Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year date Year
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text District Name
district_code text District Code
development_sector text Social Sector
project_outlay_amount_in_lakhs numeric Money Budgeted
amount_spent_in_lakhs numeric Actual Amount Spent

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 5, 2024
Metadata last updated June 5, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created9 months ago
Additional infonan
Data extraction page
Data insightsCertainly! Here are the updated insights that can be drawn from the CSR Projects: Social Sector Wise Aggregated Expenditure data for Meghalaya:1. Impact Assessment and Resource Allocation: Government agencies can utilize the dataset to assess the allocation of corporate social responsibility expenditure across different social sectors in Meghalaya, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and ensure effective utilization of resources for community development.2. Policy Formulation and Advocacy: Social scientists, policy think tanks, and media houses can use the dataset to analyze trends in expenditure patterns, identify factors influencing social sector engagement, and advocate for policies that promote impactful and sustainable corporate social responsibility initiatives within specific social sectors in Meghalaya.
Data last updated01/01/2022
Data retreival date10/02/2022
Datastore activeTrue
District no1
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyData is obtained from the individual company wise and year wise pages maintained on CSR website by accessing them directly using company name, CIN number and year from our database of company names and CINs. Obtained data is then LGD mapped for state and district.
No indicators2
Package id65ba21c9-5e20-41d5-8758-11ba798f0ccb
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2014-2020
Methodology Data is obtained from the individual company wise and year wise pages maintained on CSR website by accessing them directly using company name, CIN number and year from our database of company names and CINs. Obtained data is then LGD mapped for state and district.
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Granularity Level District
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 10/02/2022
Data Last Updated 01/01/2022
Sku mca-csr_projects_aggregated-dt-yr-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2014-2020
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 1
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 2
Insights from the dataset Certainly! Here are the updated insights that can be drawn from the CSR Projects: Social Sector Wise Aggregated Expenditure data for Meghalaya:1. Impact Assessment and Resource Allocation: Government agencies can utilize the dataset to assess the allocation of corporate social responsibility expenditure across different social sectors in Meghalaya, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and ensure effective utilization of resources for community development.2. Policy Formulation and Advocacy: Social scientists, policy think tanks, and media houses can use the dataset to analyze trends in expenditure patterns, identify factors influencing social sector engagement, and advocate for policies that promote impactful and sustainable corporate social responsibility initiatives within specific social sectors in Meghalaya.
IDP Ready Yes