Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
month date Month
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text District Name
district_code text District Code
total_rice_allocated_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Rice Allocated without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_wheat_allocated_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Wheat Allocated without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_coarse_grain_allocated_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Coarse Grain Allocated without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_fortified_rice_allocated_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Fortified Rice Allocated with e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_qty_allocated_unautomated numeric Total Quantity Allocated without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_rice_allocated_automated numeric Total Quantity of Rice Allocated with e-PoS(Automated)
total_wheat_allocated_automated numeric Total Quantity of Wheat Allocated with e-PoS(Automated)
total_coarse_grain_allocated_automated numeric Total Quantity of Coarse Grain Allocated with e-PoS(Automated)
total_fortified_rice_allocated_automated numeric Total Quantity of Fortified Rice Allocated with e-PoS(Automated)
total_qty_allocated_automated numeric Total Quantity Allocated with e-PoS(Automated)
total_rice_qty_allocated numeric Total Quantity of Rice Allocated
total_wheat_qty_allocated numeric Total Quantity of Wheat Allocated
total_coarse_grain_qty_allocated numeric Total Quantity of Coarse Grain Allocated
total_fortified_rice_qty_allocated numeric Total Quantity of Fortified Rice Allocated
total_qty_allocated numeric Total Quantity Allocated
total_rice_distributed_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Rice Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_wheat_distributed_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Wheat Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_coarse_grain_distributed_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Coarse Grain Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_fortified_rice_distributed_unautomated numeric Total Quantity of Fortified Rice Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_qty_distributed_unautomated numeric Total Quantity Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
percent_qty_distributed_unautomated numeric Percent of Quantity Distributed without e-PoS(Un-automated)
total_rice_distributed_automated numeric Total Quantity of Rice Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
total_wheat_distributed_automated numeric Total Quantity of Wheat Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
total_coarse_grain_distributed_automated numeric Total Quantity of Coarse Grain Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
total_fortified_rice_distributed_automated numeric Total Quantity of Fortified Rice Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
total_qty_distributed_automated numeric Total Quantity Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
percentage_qty_distributed_automated numeric Percentage of Quantity Distributed with e-PoS(Automated)
total_qty_distributed_epos numeric Total Quantity Distributed with e-PoS(Automated + Un-automated)

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated December 3, 2024
Metadata last updated December 3, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created3 months ago
Additional infoData extracted for report 5 in Reports on Annvitran Platform
Data extraction page
Data insightsThis dataset allows you to analyze the distribution of food items across states and districts.You can calculate the percentage of distribution with and without e-PoS automation.
Data last updated01-09-2023
Data retreival date2023-09-27 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
District no11
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyData was collected and processed through both electronic Point of Sale (e-PoS) automated and unautomated means.
No indicators28
Package id540ad7a8-0c5b-49ee-bdad-0d4255b2d738
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2017-2023
Methodology Data was collected and processed through both electronic Point of Sale (e-PoS) automated and unautomated means.
Similar Resources
Granularity Level District
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2023-09-27 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 01-09-2023
Sku mocafpd-annavitran_epos_transactions-dt-mn-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2017-2023
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 11
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information Data extracted for report 5 in Reports on Annvitran Platform
Number of Indicators 28
Insights from the dataset This dataset allows you to analyze the distribution of food items across states and districts.You can calculate the percentage of distribution with and without e-PoS automation.
IDP Ready Yes