Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year text Year
state_name text State Name
state_code text State code
residence_type text Residence type either rural or urban
households_with_loom numeric Households with Loom in their premises
households_without_loom numeric Households without loom in their household premises
households_with_pitloom_with_dobby_jacquard numeric Households having Pit loom fitted with a Dobby or Jacquard
households_with_other_pitlooms numeric Households with other pit looms
households_with_framelooms_with_dobby_jacquard numeric Households having frame looms with Dobby or Jacquard
households_with_other_frame_looms numeric Households with Other frame loom
households_with_loin_looms numeric Households with Loin looms
households_with_other_looms numeric Households with other looms
non_commercial_handloom_household numeric Households performing Handloom workfor non-commercial purposes
households_handloom_as_occupation_and_income numeric Households performing Handloom work as an occupation and is used as a source of income.
households_handloom_for_domestic_and_commercial_purpose numeric Households performing handloom work for domestic purpose and commercial purpose.
households_weaving_dhoti_sarong_lungi_angavastram numeric Households weaving Dhoti, Sarong, Lungi, Angavastram
households_weaving_saree numeric Households weaving Saree.
households_weaving_dress_material_suiting_shirting numeric Households weaving Dress material, Suiting, Shirting, Long Cloth
households_weaving_towel_napkin_duster_gamcha numeric Households weaving Towel or Napkin, Duster or Gamcha
households_weaving_bedsheet_furnishings_blanket numeric Households weaving Bedsheet, Furnishings, Blanket.
households_weaving_shawls_mekhla_chadder numeric Households weaving Shawls or Mekhla Chadder or Loi or Stole or Scarf or Muffler
households_weaving_durries_rugs_mats numeric Households weaving Durries, Rugs, Mats
households_weaving_others numeric Households weaving Others including Bandage
avg_prod_major_fabric_per_weaver_per_day numeric Average production of major fabric per weaver per day in Meters

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 5, 2024
Metadata last updated June 5, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Created8 months ago
Additional infonan
Data extraction page
Data insightsThe dataset offers valuable insights into the handloom industry, encompassing details like residence type, and diverse loom types in households. It also delves into the purposes of handloom work, the variety of products woven, and the average fabric production per weaver per day. This data enables the examination of trends in handloom usage, production, and its socioeconomic significance for households across different states.This data guides policymakers in formulating targeted strategies, fostering economic growth, and preserving traditional handloom craftsmanship.
Data last updated2019-20
Data retreival dateJune, 2022
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe methodology includes three phases: pre-field activities, field activities, and post-field activities. Pre-field activities involve pilot studies, questionnaire approval, data mapping, and staff training. During field activities, we follow a rigorous fieldwork protocol and monitor progress. Post-field activities include data validation, feedback mechanisms, online portals, revisits, data sharing, analysis, and manual tasks for ID card distribution.
No indicators20
Package idb3e6fbaa-7b1c-4ed2-9c32-d09fbcb5f7bb
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2019-2020
Methodology The methodology includes three phases: pre-field activities, field activities, and post-field activities. Pre-field activities involve pilot studies, questionnaire approval, data mapping, and staff training. During field activities, we follow a rigorous fieldwork protocol and monitor progress. Post-field activities include data validation, feedback mechanisms, online portals, revisits, data sharing, analysis, and manual tasks for ID card distribution.
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Granularity Level State
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date June, 2022
Data Last Updated 2019-20
Sku mot-handloom_census_loom_type-st-dc-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2019-2020
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 20
Insights from the dataset The dataset offers valuable insights into the handloom industry, encompassing details like residence type, and diverse loom types in households. It also delves into the purposes of handloom work, the variety of products woven, and the average fabric production per weaver per day. This data enables the examination of trends in handloom usage, production, and its socioeconomic significance for households across different states.This data guides policymakers in formulating targeted strategies, fostering economic growth, and preserving traditional handloom craftsmanship.
IDP Ready Yes