National Family Health Survey
The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) for Meghalaya offers comprehensive insights into various health and social indicators, providing valuable data at different administrative levels. This information is instrumental in guiding the development of policies and programs aimed at addressing health and developmental needs within the region.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
id | int4 | index | |
year | text | Year | |
state_name | text | State Name | |
state_code | text | State Code | |
district_name | text | District Name | |
district_code | text | District Code | |
pop_f_6_sch | numeric | School-attending females aged ≥6 years | |
pop_below_15 | numeric | Population under 15 years | |
sex_ratio_tot_pop | numeric | Total sex ratio (F/1,000 M) | |
sex_ratio_child_birth | numeric | Birth sex ratio (F/1,000 M) | |
child_under_5 | numeric | Registered children <5 years | |
deaths_last_3years | numeric | Deaths in last 3 years | |
pop_hh_elec | numeric | Households with electricity | |
pop_hh_dw | numeric | Households with clean water | |
pop_hh_sf | numeric | Households with sanitation | |
hh_fuel_cooking | numeric | Households with clean cooking fuel | |
hh_iodized_salt | numeric | Households using iodized salt | |
hh_hlth_ins_fs | numeric | Households with health insurance | |
child_under_5_sch | numeric | Pre-primary children aged 5 years | |
fem_literacy | numeric | Literate women | |
fem_literacy_10 | numeric | Women with ≥10 years of education | |
fem_below24_married_before18 | numeric | Women married before 18 years | |
births_5yrs_hgh_order | numeric | High-order births last 5 years | |
fem_15_19_pregnant | numeric | Pregnant/mother teens 15-19 years | |
fem_15_24_hyg_period | numeric | Women 15-24 years using menstrual hygiene | |
fp_any | numeric | Any contraceptive method | |
fp_modern_method | numeric | Modern contraceptive methods | |
fp_fem_sterilize | numeric | Female sterilizations | |
fp_male_sterilize | numeric | Male sterilizations | |
fp_iud_ppiud | numeric | IUD/PPIUD users | |
fp_pill | numeric | Pill users | |
fp_condom | numeric | Condom users | |
fp_injectables | numeric | Injectable contraceptives | |
unmet_fp_need | numeric | Total unmet FP need | |
unmet_fp_spacing | numeric | Unmet FP need - spacing | |
qa_fp_fem_non | numeric | FP discussion with non-users | |
qa_fp_side_effect | numeric | Informed of FP side effects | |
mc_anc_first_tri | numeric | 1st trimester check-ups | |
mc_anc_4 | numeric | ≥4 antenatal visits | |
mc_lastbirth_nt | numeric | Neonatal tetanus protection | |
mc_folic_100 | numeric | ≥100 days folic acid intake | |
mc_folic_180 | numeric | ≥180 days folic acid intake | |
reg_preg_mcp | numeric | Registered MCP card pregnancies | |
mothers_pnc | numeric | Postnatal care within 2 days | |
avg_delivery_exp_phf | numeric | Avg. delivery cost at PHF | |
cb_home_check_24 | numeric | Home births checked within 24h | |
chi_pnc_2days | numeric | Postnatal care for children in 2d | |
dc_insti_births | numeric | Institutional births | |
dc_insti_births_public | numeric | Public institutional births | |
home_birth_skill_personnel | numeric | Skilled home births | |
births_skill_personnel | numeric | Skilled personnel births | |
births_c_section | numeric | C-section births | |
births_c_section_private | numeric | Private C-section births | |
births_c_section_public | numeric | Public C-section births | |
cv_12_23_full_vacc | numeric | Fully vaccinated 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_full_vacc_card | numeric | Vaccination card-verified full immunization | |
cv_12_23_bcg | numeric | BCG vaccinated 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_polio | numeric | Polio doses (3x) for 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_dpt | numeric | DPT doses (3x) for 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_mcv1 | numeric | 1st measles vaccine 12-23m olds | |
cv_24_35_mcv2 | numeric | 2nd measles vaccine 24-35m olds | |
cv_12_23_rota_vac | numeric | Rotavirus vaccine (3x) for 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_3hpb | numeric | HepB doses (3x) for 12-23m olds | |
cv_9_35_vit_a6 | numeric | Vitamin A last 6m for 9-35m olds | |
cv_12_23_vac_phf | numeric | Vaccinations at PHF for 12-23m olds | |
cv_12_23_vac_private | numeric | Vaccinations at private facilities for 12-23m olds | |
cd_drh_2wks | numeric | Diarrhoea prevalence (2 weeks) | |
cd_drh_oral | numeric | Diarrhoea + ORS (2 weeks) | |
cd_drh_znc | numeric | Diarrhoea + zinc (2 weeks) | |
cd_drh_hf | numeric | Diarrhoea cases at health facilities | |
cd_ari_2wks | numeric | ARI symptoms prevalence (2 weeks) | |
cd_ari_fev_2wks | numeric | ARI or fever cases at health facilities | |
cfp_bf_birth | numeric | Breastfed within first hour | |
cfp_bf_6mon | numeric | Exclusively breastfed (<6 months) | |
cfp_solid_semisolid | numeric | Solid/semi-solid food + breastmilk (6-8 months) | |
bf_6_23_ad_deit | numeric | Adequate diet + breastfed (6-23 months) | |
non_bf_6_23 | numeric | Adequate diet non-breastfed (6-23 months) | |
total_child_6_23 | numeric | Adequate diet (6-23 months) | |
child_5_stunted | numeric | Stunted children (<5 years) | |
child_5_wasted | numeric | Wasted children (<5 years) | |
child_5_sev_wasted | numeric | Severely wasted children (<5 years) | |
child_5_underweight | numeric | Underweight children (<5 years) | |
child_5_overweight | numeric | Overweight children (<5 years) | |
wom_bmi_normal | numeric | Women with below-normal BMI | |
wom_obese | numeric | Overweight/obese women | |
wom_wh_ratio | numeric | Women with high waist-to-hip ratio | |
child_6_59_anemic | numeric | Anemic children (6-59 months) | |
non_preg_15_49_anaemic | numeric | Non-pregnant anemic women (15-49 years) | |
wom_preg_15_49_anaemic | numeric | Pregnant anemic women (15-49 years) | |
wom_15_49_anaemic | numeric | Anemic women (15-49 years) | |
wom_15_19_anaemic | numeric | Anemic women (15-19 years) | |
wom_bld_sugar_high | numeric | High blood sugar in women | |
wom_bld_sugar_very_high | numeric | Very high blood sugar in women | |
wom_bld_sugar_vhigh_med | numeric | Women with high/very high blood sugar or on medication | |
men_bld_sugar_high | numeric | High blood sugar in men | |
men_bld_sugar_very_high | numeric | Very high blood sugar in men | |
men_bld_sugar_vhigh_med | numeric | Men with high/very high blood sugar or on medication | |
wom_bp_mild | numeric | Mildly high BP in women | |
wom_bp_sev | numeric | Moderately/severely high BP in women | |
wom_bp_ele_med | numeric | Women with high BP or on medication | |
men_bp_mild | numeric | Mildly high BP in men | |
men_bp_sev | numeric | Moderately/severely high BP in men | |
men_bp_ele_med | numeric | Men with high BP or on medication | |
cerv_cancer | numeric | Cervical cancer screening undergone | |
breast_cancer | numeric | Breast cancer examination undergone | |
oral_cancer | numeric | Oral cancer examination undergone | |
tobaco_women_15 | numeric | Tobacco use in women (≥15 years) | |
tobaco_men_15 | numeric | Tobacco use in men (≥15 years) | |
alcohol_women_15 | numeric | Alcohol consumption in women (≥15 years) | |
alcohol_men_15 | numeric | Alcohol consumption in men (≥15 years) |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | June 6, 2024 |
Metadata last updated | June 6, 2024 |
Created | unknown |
Format | CSV |
License | Open Data Commons Attribution License |
Created | 9 months ago |
Frequency | Quinquennial |
Size | 9,600 |
Additional info | Note: Indicator estimates for NFHS-4 are not shown in this table since no comparable estimates are available from NFHS-4 in this district due to district boundary changes or a newly formed district. Major indicators are highlighted in grey. LHV = Lady health visitor, ANM = Auxiliary nurse midwife( ) Based on 25-49 unweighted cases * Percentage not shown; based on fewer than 25 unweighted casesPopulation living in households with an improved drinking-water source:- Piped water into dwelling or yard or plot piped to neighbour public tap or standpipe tube well or borehole protected dug well protected spring rainwater tanker truck cart with small tank bottled water community RO plant Population living in households that use an improved sanitation facility:- Flush to piped sewer system flush to septic tank flush to pit latrine flush to don’t know where ventilated improved pit VIP or biogas latrine pit latrine with slab twin pit or composting toilet which is not shared with any other household This indicator does not denote access to toilet facility completelyHouseholds using clean fuel for cooking: - Electricity LPG or natural gas biogas Women who are literate:- Refers to women who completed standard 9 or higher and women who can read a whole sentence or part of a sentenceWomen age 15-24 years who use hygienic methods of protection during their menstrual period:- Locally prepared napkins sanitary napkins tampons and menstrual cups are considered to be hygienic methods of protection Any method, Any modern method:- Any method includes other methods that are not shown separately Any modern method includes other modern methods that are not shown separatelyTotal unmet need, Unmet need for spacing:- Unmet need for family planning refers to fecund women who are not using contraception but who wish to postpone the next birth spacing or stop childbearing altogether limiting Specifically women are considered to have unmet need for spacing if they are- - At risk of becoming pregt not using contraception and either do not want to become pregnant within the next two years or are unsure if or when they want to become pregnant- - Pregnant with a mistimed pregnancy- - Postpartum amenorrhoeic for up to two years following a mistimed birth and not using contraception- - Women are considered to have unmet need for limiting if they are- - At risk of becoming pregnant not using contraception and want no more children- - Pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy- - Postpartum amenorrhoeic for up to two years following an unwanted birth and not using contraceptionWomen who are classified as infecund have no unmet need because they are not at risk of becoming pregnant Unmet need for family planning is the sum of unmet need for spacing plus unmet need for limitingCurrent users ever told about side effects of current method- Based on current users of female sterilization IUDPPIUD injectables and pills who started using that method in the past 5 yearsMothers whose last birth was protected against neonatal tetanus:- Includes mothers with two injections during the pregnancy for their last birth or two or more injections the last within 3 years of the last live birth or three or more injections the last within 5 years of the last birth or four or more injections the last within 10 years of the last live birth or five or more injections at any time prior to the last birth Home births that were conducted by skilled health personnel, Births attended by skilled health personnel:- Doctor or nurse or LHV or ANM or midwife or other health personnelChildren age 12-23 months fully vaccinated based on information from either vaccination card or mother's recall:- Vaccinated with BCG measles containing vaccine MCV or MRM or MR or Measles and 3 doses each of polio excluding polio vaccine given at birth and DPT or penta vaccineChildren age 12-23 months fully vaccinated based on information from vaccination card only:- Among children whose vaccination card was shown to the interviewer percentage vaccinated with BCG measles or containing vaccine MCV or MR or MMR or Measles and 3 doses each of polio excluding polio vaccine given at birth and DPT or penta vaccineChildren age 12-23 months who have received 3 doses of polio vaccine:- Not including polio vaccination given at birthChildren age 12-23 months who have received 3 doses of rotavirus vaccine: - Since rotavirus is not being provided across all states and districts the levels should not be comparedChildren under age 3 years breastfed within one hour of birth:- Based on the last child born in the 3 years before the surveyChildren under age 6 months exclusively breastfed, Children age 6-8 months receiving solid or semi-solid food and breastmilk, Breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Non-breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Total children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet:- Based on the youngest child living with the mother Breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Non-breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Total children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet:- Breastfed children receiving 4 or more food groups and a minimum meal frequency non breastfed children fed with a minimum of 3 Infant and Young Child Feeding. Practices fed with other milk or milk products at least twice a day a minimum meal frequency that is receiving solid or semisolid food at least twice a day for breastfed infants 68 months and at least three times a day for breastfed children 923 months and solid or semisolid foods from at least four food groups not including the milk or milk products food group 1 Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age)Children under 5 years who are wasted (weight-for-height), Children under 5 years who are underweight (weight-for-age):- Below 2 standard deviations based on the WHO standard Children under 5 years who are severely wasted (weight-for-height):- Below 3 standard deviations based on the WHO standardChildren under 5 years who are overweight (weight-for-height):- Above 2 standard deviations based on the WHO standardWomen whose Body Mass Index BMI is below normal BMI <18.5 kg per m2, Women who are overweight or obese BMI >=25.0 kg per m2:- Excludes pregnant women and women with a birth in the preceding 2 monthsNon-pregnant women age 15-49 years who are anaemic <12.0 g dl, Pregnant women age 15-49 years who are anaemic <11.0 g dl, All women age 15-49 years who are anaemic, All women age 15-19 years who are anaemic:- Haemoglobin in grams per decilitre g dl Among children prevalence is adjusted for altitude Among women prevalence is adjusted for altitude and for smoking status if known As NFHS uses the capillary blood for estimation of anaemia the results of NFHS5 need not be compared with other surveys using venous bloodBlood sugar level Women high 141 to 160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Women very high >160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Men high 141 to 160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Men very high >160 mg dl:- Random blood sugar measurement |
Data extraction page | |
Data insights | The National Family Health Survey for Meghalaya provides valuable data insights, including information on antenatal care services in rural areas, life expectancy comparisons between urban and rural areas, trends in contraceptive use, stunting prevalence among young children, maternal education's impact on child immunization rates, anemia prevalence by age and gender, access to improved sanitation facilities in urban areas, HIV/AIDS prevalence by gender and age group, average number of children born to women with different educational backgrounds, and overweight/obesity levels across income groups. |
Data last updated | 2020-21 |
Data retreival date | 2022-01-01 00:00:00 |
Datastore active | True |
District no | 11 |
Granularity | District |
Has views | True |
Id | df757ce7-4850-4d7c-8449-b80a4c953a1d |
Idp ready | True |
Methodology | Data is obtained from district fact sheets for key indicators maintained on NFHS website by accessing them directly using the names of the state and districts. Obtained data is then LGD mapped for state and district. |
No indicators | 104 |
Package id | 57a54450-6fbc-4c8d-a25d-f275f557c5f5 |
Position | 0 |
Sku | mohfw-nfhs-dt-qq-meg |
State | active |
States uts no | 1 |
Url type | upload |
Years covered | 2014-15, 2019-20 |
Methodology | Data is obtained from district fact sheets for key indicators maintained on NFHS website by accessing them directly using the names of the state and districts. Obtained data is then LGD mapped for state and district. |
Similar Resources | |
Granularity Level | District |
Data Extraction Page | |
Data Retreival Date | 2022-01-01 00:00:00 |
Data Last Updated | 2020-21 |
Sku | mohfw-nfhs-dt-qq-meg |
Dataset Frequency | |
Years Covered | 2014-15, 2019-20 |
No of States/UT(s) | 1 |
No of Districts | 11 |
No of Tehsils/blocks | |
No of Gram Panchayats | |
Additional Information | Note: Indicator estimates for NFHS-4 are not shown in this table since no comparable estimates are available from NFHS-4 in this district due to district boundary changes or a newly formed district. Major indicators are highlighted in grey. LHV = Lady health visitor, ANM = Auxiliary nurse midwife( ) Based on 25-49 unweighted cases * Percentage not shown; based on fewer than 25 unweighted casesPopulation living in households with an improved drinking-water source:- Piped water into dwelling or yard or plot piped to neighbour public tap or standpipe tube well or borehole protected dug well protected spring rainwater tanker truck cart with small tank bottled water community RO plant Population living in households that use an improved sanitation facility:- Flush to piped sewer system flush to septic tank flush to pit latrine flush to don’t know where ventilated improved pit VIP or biogas latrine pit latrine with slab twin pit or composting toilet which is not shared with any other household This indicator does not denote access to toilet facility completelyHouseholds using clean fuel for cooking: - Electricity LPG or natural gas biogas Women who are literate:- Refers to women who completed standard 9 or higher and women who can read a whole sentence or part of a sentenceWomen age 15-24 years who use hygienic methods of protection during their menstrual period:- Locally prepared napkins sanitary napkins tampons and menstrual cups are considered to be hygienic methods of protection Any method, Any modern method:- Any method includes other methods that are not shown separately Any modern method includes other modern methods that are not shown separatelyTotal unmet need, Unmet need for spacing:- Unmet need for family planning refers to fecund women who are not using contraception but who wish to postpone the next birth spacing or stop childbearing altogether limiting Specifically women are considered to have unmet need for spacing if they are- - At risk of becoming pregt not using contraception and either do not want to become pregnant within the next two years or are unsure if or when they want to become pregnant- - Pregnant with a mistimed pregnancy- - Postpartum amenorrhoeic for up to two years following a mistimed birth and not using contraception- - Women are considered to have unmet need for limiting if they are- - At risk of becoming pregnant not using contraception and want no more children- - Pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy- - Postpartum amenorrhoeic for up to two years following an unwanted birth and not using contraceptionWomen who are classified as infecund have no unmet need because they are not at risk of becoming pregnant Unmet need for family planning is the sum of unmet need for spacing plus unmet need for limitingCurrent users ever told about side effects of current method- Based on current users of female sterilization IUDPPIUD injectables and pills who started using that method in the past 5 yearsMothers whose last birth was protected against neonatal tetanus:- Includes mothers with two injections during the pregnancy for their last birth or two or more injections the last within 3 years of the last live birth or three or more injections the last within 5 years of the last birth or four or more injections the last within 10 years of the last live birth or five or more injections at any time prior to the last birth Home births that were conducted by skilled health personnel, Births attended by skilled health personnel:- Doctor or nurse or LHV or ANM or midwife or other health personnelChildren age 12-23 months fully vaccinated based on information from either vaccination card or mother's recall:- Vaccinated with BCG measles containing vaccine MCV or MRM or MR or Measles and 3 doses each of polio excluding polio vaccine given at birth and DPT or penta vaccineChildren age 12-23 months fully vaccinated based on information from vaccination card only:- Among children whose vaccination card was shown to the interviewer percentage vaccinated with BCG measles or containing vaccine MCV or MR or MMR or Measles and 3 doses each of polio excluding polio vaccine given at birth and DPT or penta vaccineChildren age 12-23 months who have received 3 doses of polio vaccine:- Not including polio vaccination given at birthChildren age 12-23 months who have received 3 doses of rotavirus vaccine: - Since rotavirus is not being provided across all states and districts the levels should not be comparedChildren under age 3 years breastfed within one hour of birth:- Based on the last child born in the 3 years before the surveyChildren under age 6 months exclusively breastfed, Children age 6-8 months receiving solid or semi-solid food and breastmilk, Breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Non-breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Total children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet:- Based on the youngest child living with the mother Breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Non-breastfeeding children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet, Total children age 6-23 months receiving an adequate diet:- Breastfed children receiving 4 or more food groups and a minimum meal frequency non breastfed children fed with a minimum of 3 Infant and Young Child Feeding. Practices fed with other milk or milk products at least twice a day a minimum meal frequency that is receiving solid or semisolid food at least twice a day for breastfed infants 68 months and at least three times a day for breastfed children 923 months and solid or semisolid foods from at least four food groups not including the milk or milk products food group 1 Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age)Children under 5 years who are wasted (weight-for-height), Children under 5 years who are underweight (weight-for-age):- Below 2 standard deviations based on the WHO standard Children under 5 years who are severely wasted (weight-for-height):- Below 3 standard deviations based on the WHO standardChildren under 5 years who are overweight (weight-for-height):- Above 2 standard deviations based on the WHO standardWomen whose Body Mass Index BMI is below normal BMI <18.5 kg per m2, Women who are overweight or obese BMI >=25.0 kg per m2:- Excludes pregnant women and women with a birth in the preceding 2 monthsNon-pregnant women age 15-49 years who are anaemic <12.0 g dl, Pregnant women age 15-49 years who are anaemic <11.0 g dl, All women age 15-49 years who are anaemic, All women age 15-19 years who are anaemic:- Haemoglobin in grams per decilitre g dl Among children prevalence is adjusted for altitude Among women prevalence is adjusted for altitude and for smoking status if known As NFHS uses the capillary blood for estimation of anaemia the results of NFHS5 need not be compared with other surveys using venous bloodBlood sugar level Women high 141 to 160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Women very high >160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Men high 141 to 160 mg dl, Blood sugar level Men very high >160 mg dl:- Random blood sugar measurement |
Number of Indicators | 104 |
Insights from the dataset | The National Family Health Survey for Meghalaya provides valuable data insights, including information on antenatal care services in rural areas, life expectancy comparisons between urban and rural areas, trends in contraceptive use, stunting prevalence among young children, maternal education's impact on child immunization rates, anemia prevalence by age and gender, access to improved sanitation facilities in urban areas, HIV/AIDS prevalence by gender and age group, average number of children born to women with different educational backgrounds, and overweight/obesity levels across income groups. |
IDP Ready | Yes |