Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year text Year
bank_name text Bank Name
state_name text State/Office name
state_code text State LGD Code
mm_claimed_no_of_prj numeric Margin Money Claimed (No. of Projects..)
mm_claimed_mm numeric Margin Money Claimed (Margin Money)
mm_claims_under_process_at_kvic_co_mumbai_no_of_prj numeric Margin Money Claims Under Process at KVIC,CO,Mumbai (No. of Projects.)
mm_claims_under_process_at_kvic_co_mumbai_mm numeric Margin Money Claims Under Process at KVIC,CO,Mumbai (Margin Money)
referred_to_kvic_field_offices_for_rectification_no_of_prj numeric Referred to KVIC Field Offices for Rectification (No. of Projects.)
referred_to_kvic_field_offices_for_rectification_mm numeric Referred to KVIC Field Offices for Rectification (Margin Money)
mm_disbursed_from_corporation_bank_no_of_prj numeric Margin Money Disbursed from Corporation Bank (No. of Projects.)
mm_disbursed_from_corporation_bank_mm numeric Margin Money Disbursed from Corporation Bank (Margin Money)
mm_released_no_of_project numeric Margin Money Released (No. of Project)
mm_released_mm_inv numeric Margin Money Released

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 6, 2024
Metadata last updated June 6, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created8 months ago
Additional infonan
Data extraction page
Data insightsThe PMEGP State Wise dataset for Meghalaya offers valuable insights into the distribution of margin money claimed, released, and disbursed under the scheme. It allows identification of states with the highest and lowest utilization of margin money, as well as the banks that have been most actively involved in providing loans. Additionally, the dataset enables analysis of the evolving patterns in the utilization of margin money by beneficiaries over the years, including any notable differences between rural and urban areas.
Data last updated2,022
Data retreival date2022-09-21 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe banks that participate in the PMEGP scheme are required to provide regular reports to the MSME on the margin money claimed, released, and disbursed by them. These reports may be submitted online or through physical forms, and are likely to be consolidated by the MSME to create the state-wise and bank-wise data for the PMEGP dataset.
No indicators10
Package id48892cc2-22a8-4327-82e2-960290b98294
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2016-2023
Methodology The banks that participate in the PMEGP scheme are required to provide regular reports to the MSME on the margin money claimed, released, and disbursed by them. These reports may be submitted online or through physical forms, and are likely to be consolidated by the MSME to create the state-wise and bank-wise data for the PMEGP dataset.
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Granularity Level State
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2022-09-21 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 2022
Sku momsme-pmegp_claims-st-yr-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2016-2023
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 10
Insights from the dataset The PMEGP State Wise dataset for Meghalaya offers valuable insights into the distribution of margin money claimed, released, and disbursed under the scheme. It allows identification of states with the highest and lowest utilization of margin money, as well as the banks that have been most actively involved in providing loans. Additionally, the dataset enables analysis of the evolving patterns in the utilization of margin money by beneficiaries over the years, including any notable differences between rural and urban areas.
IDP Ready Yes