Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text District Name
district_code text District Code
category text Social Category
tot_hh numeric Total HH
hh_considered_deprivation numeric HHs considered for Deprivation
one_room_kucha_walls_and_roof numeric HHs in 1-room with kucha walls & roof
no_adult_16_59 numeric HHs without adults aged 16-59
female_head_no_adult_16_59 numeric Female head HHs, no adult males aged 16-59
disabled_no_able_bodied numeric HHs with Disabled member, no able-bodied adult
sc_st_hh numeric SC/ST HHs
no_literate_adult_25_plus numeric HHs without literate adults >25 years
landless_hh_manual_labor numeric Landless HHs relying on manual casual labor
no_deprivation numeric HHs without deprivation
own_motor_vehicle numeric HHs owning motorized vehicles/fishing boats
own_mech_agri numeric HHs owning mechanized agri equipment
kcc_credit_limit_50k numeric HHs with Kisan Credit Card (limit ≥ Rs.50,000)
govt_employee_member numeric HHs with govt. employee member
non_agri_ent numeric HHs with non-agricultural enterprises
member_earning_gt_10k numeric HHs with member earning > Rs.10,000 p.m
paying_income_tax numeric HHs paying income tax
paying_prof_tax numeric HHs paying professional tax
three_room_pucca_wall_roof numeric HHs with ≥ 3 rooms, pucca walls & roof
own_refrigerator numeric HHs owning a refrigerator
own_landline_phone numeric HHs owning landline phones
irr_equip_gt_2_nd_half_acre numeric HHs owning ≥ 2.5 acres irrigated land, atleast 1 irrigation equipment
hh_irr5_acre_mul_season numeric HHs owning ≥ 5 acres irrigated land, ≥ 2 crop seasons
owned_hh numeric No. of HHs with owned houses
rented_hh numeric No. of HHs with rented houses
other_hh numeric No. of HHs with other house ownership status
kuccha_0_room numeric No. of HHs with 0-room Kuccha House
kuccha_1_room numeric No. of HHs with 1-room Kuccha House
kuccha_2_room numeric No. of HHs with 2-room Kuccha House
kuccha_3_room numeric No. of HHs with 3-room Kuccha House
kuccha_3_room_plus numeric No. of HHs with Kuccha House > 3 rooms
pucca_0_room numeric No. of HHs with 0 room Pucca House
pucca_1_room numeric No. of HHs with 1 room Pucca House
pucca_2_room numeric No. of HHs with 2 room Pucca House
pucca_3_room numeric No. of HHs with 3 room Pucca House
pucca_3_room_plus numeric No. of HHs with Pucca House > 3 rooms
semi_kuccha_0_room numeric No. of HHs with 0-room Semi Kuccha (Kuccha Wall & Pucca Roof) House
semi_kuccha_1_room numeric No. of HHs with 1 room Semi Kuccha House
semi_kuccha_2_room numeric No. of HHs with 2 room Semi Kuccha House
semi_kuccha_3_room numeric No. of HHs with 3 room Semi Kuccha House
semi_kuccha_3_room_plus numeric No. of HHs with Semi Kuccha House > 3 rooms
semi_pucca_0_room numeric No. of HHs with 0 room Semi Pucca House
semi_pucca_1_room numeric No. of HHs with 1 room Semi Pucca House
semi_pucca_2_room numeric No. of HHs with 2 room Semi Pucca House
semi_pucca_3_room numeric No. of HHs with 3 room Semi Pucca House
semi_pucca_3_room_plus numeric No. of HHs with Semi Pucca House > 3 rooms
hh_considered_inclusion numeric HHs considered for Inclusion
hh_without_shelter numeric HHs without shelter
hh_destitute numeric Destitute/living on alms
hh_manual_scavenger numeric Manual scavengers
hh_primitive_tribal numeric Primitive tribal groups
hh_bonded_labourers numeric Legally released bonded labourers
hh_with_inclusion_criteria numeric HHs with any inclusion criteria
mon_inc_lt_5k numeric HHs highest earner monthly income < 5000 INR
mon_inc_5k_10k numeric HHs highest earner monthly income 5000-10000 INR
mon_inc_gt_10k numeric HHs highest earner monthly income > 10000 INR
cultivation numeric HHs main income source is cultivation
casual_labor numeric HHs main income source is casual labor
domestic_service numeric HHs main income source is domestic service
foraging_rag_picking numeric HHs main income source is foraging/rag-picking
non_agri_own_enterprise numeric HHs with main income source from non-agricultural own enterprise
begging_charity numeric HHs with main income source from begging/charity/alms
other_income numeric HHs with main income source different from other sources
govt_jobs numeric HHs with salaried govt jobs
public_sector_jobs numeric HHs with salaried public sector jobs
private_sector_jobs numeric HHs with salaried private sector jobs

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 6, 2024
Metadata last updated June 6, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created9 months ago
FrequencyOne Time
Media typetext/csv
Additional info
Data extraction page
Data insightsInsights that can be drawn from the Socio Economic Caste Census for Meghalaya include understanding the demographic characteristics and education levels of households in rural and urban areas, as well as the employment status and industries they are engaged in. It also provides insights into the availability of basic amenities like housing, water supply, and sanitation for households in India. The dataset helps identify the socio-economic status of households across regions and informs government programs aimed at poverty reduction and social inclusion. Additionally, it highlights the challenges faced by disadvantaged households and the potential for policy interventions to address these issues. The relationship between household characteristics, such as education, employment, and land ownership, and socio-economic status can also be explored.
Data last updated2020-21
Data retreival dateFeburary 2023
Datastore activeTrue
District no631
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyFalse
MethodologyThe Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 was conducted through a comprehensive door-to-door survey of households across rural and urban areas in India. The survey was carried out by the respective state governments and union territories, with technical support from the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation. The data was collected through a combination of electronic devices and paper forms and subsequently digitized and compiled into a centralized database.
No indicators66
Package idd80809cb-f5db-4200-9f57-5753dd60320e
States uts no36
Tags['Social Inclusion', 'Rural Households', 'Income Levels\n Household Composition', 'Employment', 'Demographics\n Socio-Economic Status']
Url typeupload
Years covered2010-11
Methodology The Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 was conducted through a comprehensive door-to-door survey of households across rural and urban areas in India. The survey was carried out by the respective state governments and union territories, with technical support from the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation. The data was collected through a combination of electronic devices and paper forms and subsequently digitized and compiled into a centralized database.
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Granularity Level District
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date Feburary 2023
Data Last Updated 2020-21
Sku mord-secc-dt-ot-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2010-11
No of States/UT(s) 36
No of Districts 631
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information
Number of Indicators 66
Insights from the dataset Insights that can be drawn from the Socio Economic Caste Census for Meghalaya include understanding the demographic characteristics and education levels of households in rural and urban areas, as well as the employment status and industries they are engaged in. It also provides insights into the availability of basic amenities like housing, water supply, and sanitation for households in India. The dataset helps identify the socio-economic status of households across regions and informs government programs aimed at poverty reduction and social inclusion. Additionally, it highlights the challenges faced by disadvantaged households and the potential for policy interventions to address these issues. The relationship between household characteristics, such as education, employment, and land ownership, and socio-economic status can also be explored.
IDP Ready No