Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
year numeric Year
state_name text State
state_code text State code
sector text States accroding to rural and urban sector
occupation text Occupation of Rural and Urban Households
no_of_hh numeric Estimated Number of Households
fxd_cap_exp numeric Fixed Capital Expenditure
hh_reporting_fxd_cap_exp numeric Estiamted Number of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure
land_purchase_exp numeric Expenditure on Purchase of Land
hh_reporting_land_purchase numeric Estiamted Number of households purchasing Land
avg_value_assets numeric Average Value of Assets
avg_amount_of_debt numeric Average Amount of Debt per Households
incidence_of_indebtedness numeric Incidence of Indebtedness
debt_asset_ratio numeric Debt-Asset Ratio

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 5, 2024
Metadata last updated June 5, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Created9 months ago
Additional infonan
Data extraction pageNSS Report 579 : Household Capital Expenditure , Page 55-60 | NSS Report 570 : Household Assets and Liability , Page 56-59
Data insightsInsights that can be derived from the Debt and Investment dataset for Meghalaya:- Annual Trends: Monitoring year-on-year variations provides a clear picture of changes in debt, investment, and financial metrics.- Regional Disparities: Analyzing debt and investment patterns across states reveals disparities in investment levels and debt burdens.- Rural-Urban Disparities: Contrasting investment behaviors and debt levels between rural and urban areas offers insights into financial behaviors across different living environments.
Data last updated2,013
Data retreival date2,013
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe data has been collected through the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) which operates under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation in India. NSSO has a robust methodology that includes multi-stage stratified random sampling for data collection.The dataset seems to be annual based on the presence of the 'year' variable, but the exact frequency needs to be verified from the source. The dataset covers various states in India, with records segregated based on rural and urban sectors.
No indicators9
Package id13dd76c9-d1ff-40ee-9d81-a32273fc02fe
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2,013
Methodology The data has been collected through the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) which operates under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation in India. NSSO has a robust methodology that includes multi-stage stratified random sampling for data collection.The dataset seems to be annual based on the presence of the 'year' variable, but the exact frequency needs to be verified from the source. The dataset covers various states in India, with records segregated based on rural and urban sectors.
Similar Resources
Granularity Level State
Data Extraction Page NSS Report 579 : Household Capital Expenditure , Page 55-60 | NSS Report 570 : Household Assets and Liability , Page 56-59
Data Retreival Date 2013
Data Last Updated 2013
Sku nsso-debt_investment-st-ot-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2013
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 9
Insights from the dataset Insights that can be derived from the Debt and Investment dataset for Meghalaya:- Annual Trends: Monitoring year-on-year variations provides a clear picture of changes in debt, investment, and financial metrics.- Regional Disparities: Analyzing debt and investment patterns across states reveals disparities in investment levels and debt burdens.- Rural-Urban Disparities: Contrasting investment behaviors and debt levels between rural and urban areas offers insights into financial behaviors across different living environments.
IDP Ready Yes