Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
fy text Financial Year
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text Name of the District
district_code text District Code
total_dbt_transfer numeric Total Amount of DBT Transfers
no_of_dbt_transactions numeric Total Number of DBT Transactions

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated June 5, 2024
Metadata last updated June 5, 2024
Created unknown
Format CSV
License No License Provided
Created9 months ago
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Data extraction page
Data insights1. The data on Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme district-wise reveals the distribution of financial transactions and total funds transferred, enabling an assessment of the scheme's impact on each district in Meghalaya. This analysis can help in understanding the varying levels of benefit distribution and identifying areas for targeted policy interventions.2. By examining the DBT data over multiple financial years, starting from 2019, it is possible to discern trends in the implementation of the scheme across different districts in Meghalaya. This information can be instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of policy measures and identifying regions that may require additional support or resources.3. The district-wise breakdown of DBT transactions and fund transfers provides quantitative evidence to measure the implications of the policy at the local level, facilitating the monitoring of benefits received by citizens in Meghalaya. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of the scheme's impact on a district and state-wise basis.
Data last updated2,023
Data retreival date2023-08-08 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
District no12
Gp no0
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyThe number of DBT transactions and the amount transferred is recorded for all districts for each financial year starting from 2019 by Direct Benefit Transfer Mission, Government of India and consolidated on the Direct Benefit Transfer website. These districts and their performance is mapped to the LGD district ids and state ids.
No indicators4
Package id5a9b90c8-63e3-4d21-8106-a6bcdc817315
States uts no1
Tehsil no0
Url typeupload
Years covered2019-2023
Methodology The number of DBT transactions and the amount transferred is recorded for all districts for each financial year starting from 2019 by Direct Benefit Transfer Mission, Government of India and consolidated on the Direct Benefit Transfer website. These districts and their performance is mapped to the LGD district ids and state ids.
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Granularity Level District
Data Extraction Page
Data Retreival Date 2023-08-08 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 2023
Sku cabinet-dbtbharat_dbt_performance-dt-ot-meg
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2019-2023
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 12
No of Tehsils/blocks 0
No of Gram Panchayats 0
Additional Information nan
Number of Indicators 4
Insights from the dataset 1. The data on Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme district-wise reveals the distribution of financial transactions and total funds transferred, enabling an assessment of the scheme's impact on each district in Meghalaya. This analysis can help in understanding the varying levels of benefit distribution and identifying areas for targeted policy interventions.2. By examining the DBT data over multiple financial years, starting from 2019, it is possible to discern trends in the implementation of the scheme across different districts in Meghalaya. This information can be instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of policy measures and identifying regions that may require additional support or resources.3. The district-wise breakdown of DBT transactions and fund transfers provides quantitative evidence to measure the implications of the policy at the local level, facilitating the monitoring of benefits received by citizens in Meghalaya. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of the scheme's impact on a district and state-wise basis.
IDP Ready Yes