Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id int4 index
state_name text State Name
state_code text State Code
district_name text District Name
district_code text District Code
month date Month
number_of_claims_paid numeric Number of Claims Paid
amount_of_claims_paid numeric Total Amount Paid

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated November 17, 2023
Metadata last updated November 17, 2023
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created10 months ago
Media typetext/csv
Additional infoNumber of Blocks = 46
Data extraction pagenan
Data insightsThis dataset allows for a comprehensive exploration of health-related claim payments in Meghalaya. Analysts can discern patterns over time by examining the monthly variations in the number and amount of claims paid. Additionally, stakeholders can compare and contrast the performance of different districts, identifying regions with higher or lower claim payments. Insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of the health and welfare programs in Meghalaya can be derived by studying the trends in claim payments.
Data last updated2,023
Data retreival date2023-09-29 00:00:00
Datastore activeTrue
District no11
Has viewsTrue
Idp readyTrue
MethodologyData is provided by the government of Meghalya
No indicators2
Package idc089ae01-7d72-43e8-b906-d7180713be97
States uts no1
Url typeupload
Years covered2021-2023
Methodology Data is provided by the government of Meghalya
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Granularity Level Block
Data Extraction Page nan
Data Retreival Date 2023-09-29 00:00:00
Data Last Updated 2023
Sku claims_paid
Dataset Frequency
Years Covered 2021-2023
No of States/UT(s) 1
No of Districts 11
No of Tehsils/blocks
No of Gram Panchayats
Additional Information Number of Blocks = 46
Number of Indicators 2
Insights from the dataset This dataset allows for a comprehensive exploration of health-related claim payments in Meghalaya. Analysts can discern patterns over time by examining the monthly variations in the number and amount of claims paid. Additionally, stakeholders can compare and contrast the performance of different districts, identifying regions with higher or lower claim payments. Insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of the health and welfare programs in Meghalaya can be derived by studying the trends in claim payments.
IDP Ready Yes