Poshan Tracker

The Poshan Tracker, initiated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, is a digital tool designed to monitor and evaluate the nutritional interventions and outcomes under the Poshan Abhiyaan, India's flagship program to combat malnutrition. It facilitates real-time tracking and monitoring of the nutritional status, growth, and development of women and children across the country. The tool is equipped to capture data related to health and nutrition indicators, ensuring timely interventions and improved service delivery. By leveraging technology, the Poshan Tracker aims to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the nutritional initiatives undertaken by the government. Overall, it serves as a pivotal instrument in India's endeavors to achieve a malnutrition-free nation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Sector Nutrition, Socio Economic
SDGs []
Source Name Ministry of Women and Child Development
Source URL https://www.poshantracker.in/statistics